Monday, May 10, 2010

Important Days

1. International Mothers Language Day:: Feb 21
2. International Women Day::March 8
3. World Poet Day: March 21
4. World Water Day: March 22
5. World Pree Right Day: May 3
6. World Telecommunication Day: May 27
7. International Family Day: May 15
8. International Day for Cultural Diversity, Debate and Development: May 21
9. World Environment Day:  June 5
10. International Bio-Diversity Day
11. World Population Day: July 11
12. International Youth Day: August 12
13. International Literacy Day: September 8
14. International Day for Ozone Layer Prevention: September 16
15. International Peace Day : September 21
16. International Music Day: October 1
17. World Living Day: October first Monday.
18. World Space Week: October 4- 10
19. World Teachers Day: October 5
20. World Postal day: October 9

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Conservation Area

1. Annapurna Conservation Area---7628 Sq.Km
2. Kanchanjunga Conservation Area---2035 Sq.Km
 3. Mansalu Conservation Area---1663 Sq.Km

Wildlife and Hunting Reserves of Nepal

1. Shuklaphant Wildlife Reserves---305
2. Koshi tappu Wildlife reserves---175
3. Parsa Wildlife Reserves---499
 4. Dorphatan Hunting Reserves---1325

Natoinal Parks of Nepal

1. Chitwan National Park
2.Bardiya National
3.Lantang National Park
4. Se-Pkuksundo National Park--- 1348
 5. Makalu National Park---830]
6. Sagarmatha National
7. Rara National Park--- 198
8. Khaptad National

Specialised ORganisation Of UN. - Establish- Headquarter-Part of UN Specialise Organisation- Year Nepal Member

1 .International Telecommunication Union- 1865 A.D- Geneva-1947- December 5, 1957

2. Universal Postal Union-July 1, 1875 A.D- Wern -1 July 1984-1956 A.D

3. International Labour Organisation (ILO)- 11 April, 1918- Geneva- 14 December, 1955

4. Food And Agriculturel Organisation-16 Octobr1945- Rome- 1946 A.D -27 November 1951 A.D

5. International Monetary  Fund- 27 December 1945-Washington -1947 A.D- 6 September 1961 A.D

6. IBRD-27 December 1945- Washington-14 November 1947 - 6 September 1961 A.D

7. UNESCO-4 November  1946-Paris- 14 December 1946- May1 , 1953

8.International Civil  Aviation Organisation- 4 October 1947-Mantrial-December 1947-28 Jun 1960

9.World Health Organisation-7 October 1948-Geneva-1 July, 1948 A.D- 10 May, 1945

10. World Meterological Organisation-23 March,1950- Geneva- not available- 12 August 1966

11. International Finance Corporation- 1956- Wasington D.C- 20 February- 6 januwary 1966

12 International Maritine Organisation- 1958 A.D-london-not available- 31 januwary 1978

13 International DeV Association-24 December 1960- WasingtonD.C- Not similar- 6 March, 1963 A.D

14. UNIDO- 1 January, 1967, Viyana-1 January, 1967 -9December 1983

15. WIPO- 1970 A.d- Geneve-17 december 1974-Not available 

16. International fund For Agriculturel Dev-30 November 1977-Rome---NA---May 5 1978

17 Multinational Investment Guarantee Agency-1988 A.D- WashingtonD.C- NA-23September 1992

UN Abbreviation.

UNO- United Nations Organisation
OHCHR- Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
UNICEF ROSA- UNICEF Regional Office for South Asian.
UNESCO-United Nation Education, Science and Cultural Organisation
ECOSOC- Economic and Social Council
ICJ- International Court of Justice
WHO- World Health Organisation
ICAO-International Civil Aviation Organisation
UNIDO- United Nation Industrial Development Oganisation.
IFAD- International Fund for Agriculture Development.
IMO- International Maritime Organisation
WTO- World Tourism Organisation / World Trade Organisation
UNMIN United Nation's Mission in Nepal

Questions and Answer

1. When was UNO established?
Ans: October 24 ,1945 A.D
2. When did Nepal applied for UN membership?
Ans: February 13, 1949 A.D.
3. When did Nepal got the membership of UN ?
Ans:December 14, 1955 A.D.
4. How many temporary members are there in Security Council in UN ?
5. How many Secretaries have been nominated tll Date?
 Ans: 8
6. How much percent do Nepal bear in UN budget?
7. Who bears the highest budget in UN?
Ans: U.S.A
8. Where is the Headquarter of UN ?
9. How many  principal organs are in UNO ?
Ans: 6
10. From when was UN Flag used?
Ans:October 20, 1947 A.D
11. How many members are there in Security Council ?
12. How many members are nominated from Afro-Asian Geographical Region in security council in UN?
Ans:5 country
13. How many Judge are there in International Court of Justice.?
14. Where is the Headquarter of International Court of Justice.?
Ans:Heg, Netherlands.
15. Who first suggested the name "United Nation Organisation"?
Ans:F.D. Roosevelt
16. What is the UN library in Newyork Called?
Ans:Dyag Hamersold.
17.Without being the member of UNO, which country can vote independently?
18. What is the seven nation member called who donates highest percentage in UN ?
Ans:Power of UN.
19. There are two types of Budget in UNO, what are they ?
Ans:Peace keeping budget and General Budget.

Secretaries Generals.

1. Trigve Lie (Norway) ------1946 to 1953
2. Dag Hammarskjold (Sweden) -----1953 to 1961
3. U thant (Myanmar) -------1961 to 1971
4. Kurt Waldheim (Austria)----1971 to 1981
5. Javier Perez De Cuellar (Peru)----1982 to 1991
6. Boutros B. Ghali (Egypt) ------1992 to 1996
7. Kofi Annas ( Ghana) ----1997 to 2006
8. Ban Ki-Moon( South Korea) ----2007 to  date..


The Security Council Of UN ca take action on some issues, in case any nine members vote in the side of the issue.On any issue ,The council can take action only if nine members along with all five permanent members agree to do .A no vote from any one permanent member wins such a issue no matter of other members voting. This very special voting rights of the permanent member is called a Veto.


Permanent Members Of Security Council: UK, USSR, China, America and France.
192 countries of the World are the members of UNO.

Principles of the UNO.

1. Principle of Sovereign Equality,
2. Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes,
3. Fulfillment in good Faith of the obligation assumed by them,
4. Providing every asssistance to UN.
5. Assurance of action of non-members of UN for the maintenance of international peace and security.
6. Refraining from the use of threat or force.

Principal Organs Of UNO.

1. General Assembly
2. Security Council
3.Economic and Social Council
4. Trusteeship Council
5. International Court Of Justice
6. Secretariat.

Purposes Of UNO

1. To maintain International Pease and Security.
2. To develop Friendly relations among nations based on respect for the Principle of Equal rights and Self determination of peoples.
3. To co-operate in promoting human rights,
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends,
5. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economics, Social, Cultural, and Humanities Character.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Established: 1945 October 24

Europen Union Members

Established: 1958 Jun 1 
European Union Members:
Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Lauxomberg, Denmark ,  Ireland, U.K, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Chek Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Labitia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania

Field of Contrbution

1. Food, Agriculture and Forest
2. Industry, Business and Management
3 .Cultural and Tourist
4. Mine and Ore
5. Science and Technology
6 Transport and communication
7. Banking
8. Social Development
9. Drugs control
 10 .Budget and 11. Diffrent ascpects

ASEAN members

Malaysia ,  Singapore, Philipenes,
Indonesia, Thailand, Brunie,
Laos, Myanmar and

(ASEAN) Foundation Country

Thailand .
Established: 8 August ,1967 Bangkokрез рдорд▓ेрд╕िрдпा

Principal Organs Of SAARC

1. Meeting of the Heads of State or Government
2. The Council of Minister
3. Standing Committee.
4. Technical Committee
5. Action Committee.
6. Secretariat.


1. Agriculture and Rural Development,
2. Transport,
3. women, Youth and Children
4. Health and Population,
5. Science, Technology and Meteorology,
6. Human resources Development.

SAARC Regional Center

1. SAARC Agricultural Information Centre, Dhaka.
2. SAARC Meterological Research Centre, Dhaka
3. SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre, Kathmandu
4. SAARC Documentation Centre, New Delhi.
5. SAARC Human Resources Development Centre, Islamabad.
6. SAARC Information Centre, Kathmandu.
7. SAARC Energy Centre , Pakistan.
8. SAARC Disaster Management Center, India .
9. SAARC Caoastal Zone Management Centre, Maldives.
10. SAARC Forest Centre,Bhutan

Secretary Generals

1. Abdul Ahsan, Bangladesh -----16 January 1987 to 15 Oct 1989
2. Kant Kishore Bharjava, India----17 Oct 1989 to Dec 31 1991
3. Ibrahim Husain Zaki ,Maldives----1 Jan 1992 to 31 Dec 1993
4. Yadav Kant Silwal, Nepal----1 Jan 1994 to 31 Dec 1995
5. Naeem U GAsan, Pakistan----1 Jan 1996 to 31 Dec 1998
6. Nihal Rodrigo, Srilanka-----Jan 1 1999 to Jan 10 2002
7. Q.A.M.A Rahim, Bangladesh----Jan 11 2002 to 28 Feb 2005
8. Chenkyab Dorji ,Bhutan----1 March 2005 to 29 Feb 2008
9. Dr. Sheel Kant Sharma ,India ---March 1 2008 to ............

SAARC Y"ears

1989: SAARC year of Combating Drugs and Drug Trafficking
1990: SAARC year of Girl Child
1991: SAARC year of Shelter]
1992: SAARC year of Environment
1993: SAARC year of Disabled Person
1994: SAARC year of The Youth
1995: SAARC year of Poverty Eradication
1996: SAARC year of Literacy
1997: SAARC year of Participatory Governance
1999: SAARC year of Biodiversity
2002-2003: SAARC year of Contribution of Youth to Environment
2004: SAARC Awareness year for TB and HIV/AIDS]
2006: South Asian Tourism Year
2007: SAARC Year of Good Governance
2008: Green South Asian Year.

Signatories of SAARC Charter

1. Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, King of Nepal
2. Rajiv Gandhi, Prime minister of India
3. Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq ,President ofPakistan
4. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of Maldives
5. Jigme Singye Wangchuk, King Of Bhutan
6.Junius Richard Jayewardene, President of Srilanka
7. Hussain Muhammad Ersahad, President of Bangladesh.

Principles of SAARC

The SAARC Principles are:
1. Cooperation within the framework of the association shall be based on respect for the principle os sovereign equality, territorial integrity, political independence, non interference in the internal affairs of other States and mutual benefits.
2. Such co-operation shall not be substituted for bilateral and multilateral co-operation but shall complement them.
3. Such co-operation shall not be inconsistent with bilateral and multilateral Obligations.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

SAARC - Soth Association for Regional Cooperation

SAARC Countries:
Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Srilanka and Afganistan
Established On : 1985 December 7-8 ,Bangladesh

Gugliemo Marconi

Date of Birth: 1847 April 25, Bologna ,Italy
Father: Gidshep Marconi
Mother: Anni Marconi
Contribution: Long Wave Signal ,Radio Frequency invention, Magnetic Detector Development. Wireless Telegraph
Prize: Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909 A.D for wireless telegraph.
Death: July 1937 A.D

Madam Marie Curie

Birth: 1867 A.D November 7 , Warsa, Poland
Marriage: with Piari Curie in 1893 July 25
Education: Study of Properties of Uranium (PhD)
Contribution: Invention of Radium with his husband.
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 A.d  and in Chemistry in 1911 A.D
Death: 1934 July 4, Blood Cancer

Albert Einstein

Birth: 1879 March 14 , Ulma, Germany
Father; Herman Einstein
Mother: Pulin Einstein
Contribution: Theory of Relativity,
Finding of Unified Field Theory,
Atom Bomb,
Education :  Phd from Jurich Polytechnical  Academy, Jurich ,Switzerland.
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 A.D
Death: April 18 1955 A.D

Thomas Alva Edision

Birth: 1847 February 11 ,Ohayo, America.
Father: Samuel
Mother: Nancy
Contribution: Greatest number of invention, Teligraph Camera, Loudspeaker, Moemogram.
He was disable (hearing).
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1904 A.D
First Invention :Teligram
Death: 1939 A.D October 18


Date Of Birth: 1822 A.D December 27, Dole, France.
Contribution: Vacsine against TB,
Treatment method of Hydrophobia,
Invention Pasteurisation Method m,
Vaccines againt Rabies, Germ therory in realtion to Fermentation.
Death: 1895 A.D

Michael Fararaday

Birth: 1791 A.D September 22. New Wington, London
Contribution: Generator  in 1831 A.D, Benzene, Carbon floride, Paramagnetism, Di magnetism 
Death: 1867 A.D August 25
Title: Prince of experiment

Charles Darwin

Date Of Birth: 1809 A.D February 12, Mount Seuri , London
Contribution: Theory Of Evolution,
Theory of Survival of fittest ,
Education: Cambridge University, London
Publication: Theory of natural selection(1831)
Insectivorous plants (1867)
The power of movement in Plants( 1867)
Role of Earthworm in soil Fertility
The Origin Of Species(1859)
The Variation of Animals and plants under Domestication (1867)
On the Origin of Species by means of natural selection
Death : 1882 April 19

Jhon Dalton

Date Of Birth: 1766 A.D September 6, Eaglesfield, England
Father: Joseph Dalton
Contribution: Law of Partial Pressure, 
Atomic Theory  ,
Aurora Borealis invention, 
Rule of Multi proportion 
Death: 1844 A.D July 27


Date Of Birth: 287 B.C , Sisile, Greece
Father: Feden
Education: Initial Education, Euclid School of Greece
University: Alexandrian  University.
Teacher: Euclid 
Contribution: Theory of Screw., Theory of Lever, Invention of Mirror, Method to measure the diameter of Sun and Moon. Invention of Value Of Phi 22/ 7.
Death: 212 B.C

Isaac Newton

Date Of Birth : 1452 A.D December 25 Ulasthorp , England.
Contribution: Law of Gravitation , 1668 A.D, Co lours of Sun , Law of motion in 1689 A.D.  Every objects in this world are attracted towards each other 1617 A.D, Every Planet are attracted towards the sun
Involvement:  Director of Royal Society 1703 A.D, Member of Royal Society 1672 A.D, Professor of Trinity College 1667 
Death: 1727 A.D march 20

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Galileo Galilie

Birth: 1561 Feb 15 ,Pisa, Italy
Education: Pisa University And Regional School near Florence.
Father: Bensenjiyo
Teachers: Rikki, Euclid, Arthmade
Invention: Binocular, Thermometer, Compass, Watch.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pasang Lahamu Sherpa

Birth: 2018 Mansir 28
Birth Place: Chaurikharka VDC Surke Village ,Solukhumbu 
Father- Mother: Purbakitar- Angadarki Sherpa
Sagarmatha Climbing : 2050 B.S Baisakh 10, 2.50 Day.
National Heroes Declare on: 2059 B.S Baisakh 10
Title: Nepal Star
Death :2050 B.S Baisakh 11 While returning from Everest.
Tile: Queen of the Mountain

Adikavi Bhanubhakta Acharya

Birth: 1871 Asar 29
Title: Aadikavi ( First Poet)
Father: Dhananjaya Acharya
Grandfather: Shree Krishna Achrya
Birth Place: Tanahu, Chundi, Ramga
Publication : Ramayan, Badhusikchya, Bhaktamala, Prasnouttari
First Publication :Balkand, Ramayan
Death: 1926 B.S

Poet Motiram Bhatta

Birth: 1823 B.S Bhadra Krishna Aunsi
Place of Birth: Kathmandu, Bhosi tol.
Father-Mother: Dayaram- Ripumerdini
  Publication: Prhalad, Bhaktimala, Nitidarpan, Ukhan ko Bhakahan, Gafhaster, SAkuntala, Priyadarsika, Bhanubhakto ko jivani, Kamal bharmar,
Death: 1953 B.S

His Majesty King Tribhuvan

Date of Birth: 1963 B.S Asar 17
Father - Mother: Prithivi Bir Bikram- Laxmi Divyeswori
Rajyarohan: 1968 B.S at the age of 5.
Rajyaabhisekh: 1969 B.S
Shelter in Indian Embassy: 2007 Kartik 27 
Return from the India: 2007 B.S Falgun 4
Democracy announcement: Falgun 7 ,2007 B.S
Death: 2011 B.S Falgun 30 (Jurich Kanton Hospital,Sitzerland)

Bhimsen Thapa

Date Of Birth: 1832 B.S 
Birth Place: Gorkha,Borlang 
Died: 1896 B.S 
First Primeminister of Nepal 
Built: Sundhara and Dharhara

Bir Balabhadra

Died in Afghanistan He is remembered as a rel fighter in NalaPani

Amar Singh Thapa

Birth: 1808 B.S ,Tanahu
Death: 1873 ,Gosaikunda
Sayings: I am the son of lion not bone eater like dog


Real Name: BalBhau
Birth: 1300B.S
Arniko Day: Poush 14
Death: 1363 B.S in China

Ram Shah

Birth: 1643 B.S
Name of the State :Gorkha 
Father: Purendra Shah Ruling 
Period: 1663 to 1690 B.S 
Death: 1690 B.S

Prithivi Narayan Shah

Birth: 1779 B.S Poush 27, Gorkha
Father-Mother: Narabhupak- Kausalyawati
Queen: Indrakumari and Narendra laxmi
Rajyarohan: 1799 B.S
First attack: 1980 B.S.
Makwanpur Victory:  1818 B.S in Second Atteck
Kritipur Attack: 1814 B.S (first) ,1821 B.S Second , 1822 Victory Kathmandu Victory: 1825 B.S .
Asoj 13 Death: 1831 B.S


Dynasty: Thakuri
Title: Shree Kalhabhimani
Important Publication: Shabdabiddha
Biuld Kailashkut Bhawan
Died: 678 B.S

Monday, May 3, 2010

King Janak

Important Saying
1, Never fight with each other
2 .Live happily together
3. Eat together
4. Be united.
5. Maintain peace in the world with unity

Gautam Buddha

Birth: 626 B.C Baisakh Purnima.
Childhood name: Siddhartha Gautam
Place of Birth: Lumbini, Kapilbastu
Father- Mother: Suddodan- Mayadevi
Name of Son :Rahul
Wife's Name: Yasodhara
  Enlightment : 588 B.C Baisakh Purnima
tTitle: Ligh Of Asia
Selfdied: 543 A.d Baisakh Purnima( Kusinagar, India )

General Knowledge

This blog will help you to know the different IQ .
This blog is very helpful for preparing Lok Sewa Ayog.
Here I will Publish Questions with answers of different events around the world.