Saturday, May 8, 2010

Conservation Area

1. Annapurna Conservation Area---7628 Sq.Km
2. Kanchanjunga Conservation Area---2035 Sq.Km
 3. Mansalu Conservation Area---1663 Sq.Km

Wildlife and Hunting Reserves of Nepal

1. Shuklaphant Wildlife Reserves---305
2. Koshi tappu Wildlife reserves---175
3. Parsa Wildlife Reserves---499
 4. Dorphatan Hunting Reserves---1325

Natoinal Parks of Nepal

1. Chitwan National Park
2.Bardiya National
3.Lantang National Park
4. Se-Pkuksundo National Park--- 1348
 5. Makalu National Park---830]
6. Sagarmatha National
7. Rara National Park--- 198
8. Khaptad National

Specialised ORganisation Of UN. - Establish- Headquarter-Part of UN Specialise Organisation- Year Nepal Member

1 .International Telecommunication Union- 1865 A.D- Geneva-1947- December 5, 1957

2. Universal Postal Union-July 1, 1875 A.D- Wern -1 July 1984-1956 A.D

3. International Labour Organisation (ILO)- 11 April, 1918- Geneva- 14 December, 1955

4. Food And Agriculturel Organisation-16 Octobr1945- Rome- 1946 A.D -27 November 1951 A.D

5. International Monetary  Fund- 27 December 1945-Washington -1947 A.D- 6 September 1961 A.D

6. IBRD-27 December 1945- Washington-14 November 1947 - 6 September 1961 A.D

7. UNESCO-4 November  1946-Paris- 14 December 1946- May1 , 1953

8.International Civil  Aviation Organisation- 4 October 1947-Mantrial-December 1947-28 Jun 1960

9.World Health Organisation-7 October 1948-Geneva-1 July, 1948 A.D- 10 May, 1945

10. World Meterological Organisation-23 March,1950- Geneva- not available- 12 August 1966

11. International Finance Corporation- 1956- Wasington D.C- 20 February- 6 januwary 1966

12 International Maritine Organisation- 1958 A.D-london-not available- 31 januwary 1978

13 International DeV Association-24 December 1960- WasingtonD.C- Not similar- 6 March, 1963 A.D

14. UNIDO- 1 January, 1967, Viyana-1 January, 1967 -9December 1983

15. WIPO- 1970 A.d- Geneve-17 december 1974-Not available 

16. International fund For Agriculturel Dev-30 November 1977-Rome---NA---May 5 1978

17 Multinational Investment Guarantee Agency-1988 A.D- WashingtonD.C- NA-23September 1992

UN Abbreviation.

UNO- United Nations Organisation
OHCHR- Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
UNICEF ROSA- UNICEF Regional Office for South Asian.
UNESCO-United Nation Education, Science and Cultural Organisation
ECOSOC- Economic and Social Council
ICJ- International Court of Justice
WHO- World Health Organisation
ICAO-International Civil Aviation Organisation
UNIDO- United Nation Industrial Development Oganisation.
IFAD- International Fund for Agriculture Development.
IMO- International Maritime Organisation
WTO- World Tourism Organisation / World Trade Organisation
UNMIN United Nation's Mission in Nepal

Questions and Answer

1. When was UNO established?
Ans: October 24 ,1945 A.D
2. When did Nepal applied for UN membership?
Ans: February 13, 1949 A.D.
3. When did Nepal got the membership of UN ?
Ans:December 14, 1955 A.D.
4. How many temporary members are there in Security Council in UN ?
5. How many Secretaries have been nominated tll Date?
 Ans: 8
6. How much percent do Nepal bear in UN budget?
7. Who bears the highest budget in UN?
Ans: U.S.A
8. Where is the Headquarter of UN ?
9. How many  principal organs are in UNO ?
Ans: 6
10. From when was UN Flag used?
Ans:October 20, 1947 A.D
11. How many members are there in Security Council ?
12. How many members are nominated from Afro-Asian Geographical Region in security council in UN?
Ans:5 country
13. How many Judge are there in International Court of Justice.?
14. Where is the Headquarter of International Court of Justice.?
Ans:Heg, Netherlands.
15. Who first suggested the name "United Nation Organisation"?
Ans:F.D. Roosevelt
16. What is the UN library in Newyork Called?
Ans:Dyag Hamersold.
17.Without being the member of UNO, which country can vote independently?
18. What is the seven nation member called who donates highest percentage in UN ?
Ans:Power of UN.
19. There are two types of Budget in UNO, what are they ?
Ans:Peace keeping budget and General Budget.

Secretaries Generals.

1. Trigve Lie (Norway) ------1946 to 1953
2. Dag Hammarskjold (Sweden) -----1953 to 1961
3. U thant (Myanmar) -------1961 to 1971
4. Kurt Waldheim (Austria)----1971 to 1981
5. Javier Perez De Cuellar (Peru)----1982 to 1991
6. Boutros B. Ghali (Egypt) ------1992 to 1996
7. Kofi Annas ( Ghana) ----1997 to 2006
8. Ban Ki-Moon( South Korea) ----2007 to  date..


The Security Council Of UN ca take action on some issues, in case any nine members vote in the side of the issue.On any issue ,The council can take action only if nine members along with all five permanent members agree to do .A no vote from any one permanent member wins such a issue no matter of other members voting. This very special voting rights of the permanent member is called a Veto.


Permanent Members Of Security Council: UK, USSR, China, America and France.
192 countries of the World are the members of UNO.

Principles of the UNO.

1. Principle of Sovereign Equality,
2. Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes,
3. Fulfillment in good Faith of the obligation assumed by them,
4. Providing every asssistance to UN.
5. Assurance of action of non-members of UN for the maintenance of international peace and security.
6. Refraining from the use of threat or force.

Principal Organs Of UNO.

1. General Assembly
2. Security Council
3.Economic and Social Council
4. Trusteeship Council
5. International Court Of Justice
6. Secretariat.

Purposes Of UNO

1. To maintain International Pease and Security.
2. To develop Friendly relations among nations based on respect for the Principle of Equal rights and Self determination of peoples.
3. To co-operate in promoting human rights,
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends,
5. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economics, Social, Cultural, and Humanities Character.