Friday, May 7, 2010


Established: 1945 October 24

Europen Union Members

Established: 1958 Jun 1 
European Union Members:
Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Lauxomberg, Denmark ,  Ireland, U.K, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Chek Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Labitia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania

Field of Contrbution

1. Food, Agriculture and Forest
2. Industry, Business and Management
3 .Cultural and Tourist
4. Mine and Ore
5. Science and Technology
6 Transport and communication
7. Banking
8. Social Development
9. Drugs control
 10 .Budget and 11. Diffrent ascpects

ASEAN members

Malaysia ,  Singapore, Philipenes,
Indonesia, Thailand, Brunie,
Laos, Myanmar and

(ASEAN) Foundation Country

Thailand .
Established: 8 August ,1967 Bangkok१ मलेसिया

Principal Organs Of SAARC

1. Meeting of the Heads of State or Government
2. The Council of Minister
3. Standing Committee.
4. Technical Committee
5. Action Committee.
6. Secretariat.


1. Agriculture and Rural Development,
2. Transport,
3. women, Youth and Children
4. Health and Population,
5. Science, Technology and Meteorology,
6. Human resources Development.

SAARC Regional Center

1. SAARC Agricultural Information Centre, Dhaka.
2. SAARC Meterological Research Centre, Dhaka
3. SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre, Kathmandu
4. SAARC Documentation Centre, New Delhi.
5. SAARC Human Resources Development Centre, Islamabad.
6. SAARC Information Centre, Kathmandu.
7. SAARC Energy Centre , Pakistan.
8. SAARC Disaster Management Center, India .
9. SAARC Caoastal Zone Management Centre, Maldives.
10. SAARC Forest Centre,Bhutan

Secretary Generals

1. Abdul Ahsan, Bangladesh -----16 January 1987 to 15 Oct 1989
2. Kant Kishore Bharjava, India----17 Oct 1989 to Dec 31 1991
3. Ibrahim Husain Zaki ,Maldives----1 Jan 1992 to 31 Dec 1993
4. Yadav Kant Silwal, Nepal----1 Jan 1994 to 31 Dec 1995
5. Naeem U GAsan, Pakistan----1 Jan 1996 to 31 Dec 1998
6. Nihal Rodrigo, Srilanka-----Jan 1 1999 to Jan 10 2002
7. Q.A.M.A Rahim, Bangladesh----Jan 11 2002 to 28 Feb 2005
8. Chenkyab Dorji ,Bhutan----1 March 2005 to 29 Feb 2008
9. Dr. Sheel Kant Sharma ,India ---March 1 2008 to ............

SAARC Y"ears

1989: SAARC year of Combating Drugs and Drug Trafficking
1990: SAARC year of Girl Child
1991: SAARC year of Shelter]
1992: SAARC year of Environment
1993: SAARC year of Disabled Person
1994: SAARC year of The Youth
1995: SAARC year of Poverty Eradication
1996: SAARC year of Literacy
1997: SAARC year of Participatory Governance
1999: SAARC year of Biodiversity
2002-2003: SAARC year of Contribution of Youth to Environment
2004: SAARC Awareness year for TB and HIV/AIDS]
2006: South Asian Tourism Year
2007: SAARC Year of Good Governance
2008: Green South Asian Year.

Signatories of SAARC Charter

1. Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, King of Nepal
2. Rajiv Gandhi, Prime minister of India
3. Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq ,President ofPakistan
4. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, President of Maldives
5. Jigme Singye Wangchuk, King Of Bhutan
6.Junius Richard Jayewardene, President of Srilanka
7. Hussain Muhammad Ersahad, President of Bangladesh.

Principles of SAARC

The SAARC Principles are:
1. Cooperation within the framework of the association shall be based on respect for the principle os sovereign equality, territorial integrity, political independence, non interference in the internal affairs of other States and mutual benefits.
2. Such co-operation shall not be substituted for bilateral and multilateral co-operation but shall complement them.
3. Such co-operation shall not be inconsistent with bilateral and multilateral Obligations.